The Promise, Part W

Published on July 16, 2019
Categories: games and inform

Some fields hidden!

If you were transformed into a wooden cylinder,
transported to the highest point of your current location,
and dropped so that you rolled,
would you like where you ended up?

You've overlooked all the colors of flavor: all 16 million of them!


To be precise, (16^2)^3 = 256^3 = 16,777,216 colors, if we're talking about RGB colors with two hex digits to specify each channel, e.g. FFAABB.

There's a connection here with wagon wheels. The following code is semi-pseudocode for Inform 7.

Needs two hands free:
"You grasp the red wagon wheel between your thumb and forefinger. With the other hand, you peel off its wax paper backing.
You pull back your lips, baring your teeth like a horse, and open a pinprick of space between your top and bottom chompers. After bringing the wagon wheel to your lips, you take a nibble fit for a fly.

Nothing feels different." (set a counter to 0, incrementing on each subsequent turn) (return control to player)

(after their next turn, i.e. the counter == 1) "You catch sight of the clock on the other side of the platform.

It's stopped!"

(Allow a couple turns of exploration. On turn 5:) "'Partner, you look like you're [italic]wheeling[roman]! You been hitting the durbz?'

An indigo cube is floating behind you, with its vertices at top, bottom, and midway along its height. One vertex points straight at you.

On each face of the cube, stenciled black capitals read '1 CUBIC FOOT.'" / Wheeling? / Durbz? / What exactly did I just eat? / What the hell are you? / [Look at clock again]. -> Still stopped. / [Eat more of the red wagon wheel.]

"'Durbz are durbz, no matter the dose,' Cubic Foot says, in a tone which indicates it has rehearsed this phrase."

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