Scope of Variables in Inform 7

Published on November 5, 2019
Categories: computing and inform

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Consider this snippet of Inform 7 code:

To improve the mood of (character - an animal):
    if the mood of character is less than friendly, now the mood of the character is the mood after the mood of the character.

I am not sure whether or not the statement "the mood after the mood of the character" wraps around. That is to say, I am not sure whether the above code would "improve" the character's mood from the best one possible to the worst. I would hope it doesn't do that, but I'll have to investigate.

The if statement above can be translated into pseudo-Clojure as follows:

(let [current-mood (:mood character)]
    (if (< current-mood friendly)
        (assoc :mood character (succ current-mood))))
        ;;assuming the moods have an interface sort of like Haskell Enum typeclass
        ;; 'set KEY in MAP to VAL' is spelled `assoc` in Clojure

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